Day 3 | Best Lunch Ever

Tuesday, Jan 1
Kilometers Traveled : 88

We spent the first day of the new year on the saddle - the beginning of our multi-day adventure. The ride out of Hanoi was fairly stress-free. I was a little worried about biking in the cold - but as it turns out, it made for a comfortable ride and all the pedaling actually warmed me up.

The initial plan was just to do 35 km to Son Tay, but seeing that there wasn't really much to see in Son Tay, and that we still had fresh legs, our tour leaders (Levi and G-third) decided that we would pedal on to the next town on the IT, which was Thanh Son, about 53 km away.  This would earn us an extra day, which would be useful in cutting one 100+ km leg into two days, which in retrsospect, was a very good idea.

Lunch time found us at the town market, where we found ourselves amongst chattering locals seated at a wide table with a spread of chicken, pork and fish viands, vegetables and steaming rice. Our lunch companions seemed curious and mildly amused at the sight of our lot - a foursome in helmets and bikes who did not speak their tongue.

Ordering consisted of pointing at preferred dishes, and this lady then took big serving spoonfuls of food into plates which she set down before us. Our motley crew sat in happy silence, our noses deep in our bowls as we pushed the delicacies into our mouths with chopsticks. I'd say it was the best meal of the whole trip.

We pedaled on towards Thanh Son. It was a rather easy and pleasant ride - a scenic and picturesque countryside with surprises like this sandy lakeshore,

And brick-tiled houses

Soon we arrived at Thanh Son, 45 minutes or so after speedsters Levi and Pen. They were in some kind of town square snacking on deep-fried, flour-covered bananas and sweet potatoes. A group of local folk gathered around us, watching us with unabashed curousity as we ate our oily treats.

We checked into our hostel shortly after. Our rooms were on the 4th floor. We climbed the stairs (no elevator here), and if my legs could talk and had a dry sense of humor, they'd probably say, "Good thing we haven't been biking all day."*  Not that I was griping or anything. I knew what I had signed up for on this trip and I knew they include sore muscles. In any case, I must say I did fairly well on today's ride.

A good warm shower and a bit of a walk around later, we found a place to eat. This time, we ordered our meal by going into their kitchen and pointing out uncooked ingredients : raw chicken, tofu, fish, and rice. Hearty meal for happy hearts.

One day down, seven more to go!

*Pen's words, actually. :-p

Next: Day 4 Thanh Son - Da Gan (Van Chan)

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